Do you suffer from chronic chest pain?

Local doctors are offering a new investigational treatment
option through the COSIRA II Clinical Study

Millions of people struggle with chest pain due to inadequate blood supply to their heart - a condition called angina. This can feel like pressure or squeezing in the chest, or pain in the shoulders, arms, neck, jaw or back.

For most people, their angina can be treated with medication, a stent or bypass surgery. But for some, these treatments do not fully relieve their symptoms, a condition known as refractory angina. Nearly 2 million people in the US are living with refractory angina.

If you are living with chronic chest pain that has not resolved with medications or other procedures, you may be eligible for the COSIRA II Clinical Study. The study is evaluating the Shockwave Reducer™ System, an investigational device designed to relieve angina symptoms through a short, painless, minimally invasive procedure.

What is the Shockwave Reducer?

The Reducer is a small, hourglass shaped tube implanted into the main vessel that collects blood once it leaves the heart muscle. Once placed, the Reducer is intended to create back pressure that increases oxygen-rich blood flow to areas of the heart not receiving normal blood flow, thus reducing angina symptoms.

The Reducer is placed through a short (30 - 45 min), painless, minimally invasive procedure that is similar to having a stent placed. The procedure is usually performed under local sedation, with most patients going home the same day.

The Reducer device is currently approved in Europe based on the results of a previous clinical study. Since then, nearly 5,000 people with refractory angina have been treated with the Reducer.

In the United States and Canada, the device is currently approved for ‘investigational use only’ which means that only select patients can receive this treatment by participating in the COSIRA-II Clinical study at this time. If you qualify and choose to participate in the study, you may receive the Reducer device and all the study-related care at no cost.

Why Participate?

If you are living with chronic chest pain that has not resolved with medications or other procedures, you may be eligible for the COSIRA II Clinical Study. The study is evaluating the Reducer System, an investigational device designed to relieve angina symptoms through a short, painless, minimally invasive procedure.

If you qualify and choose to join the study, you may receive:

  • Evaluation of your heart health by a local physician specialist
  • The Reducer device and study-related care at no cost
  • Compensation for your time and travel to attend follow-up visits at your study doctor’s office
  • The opportunity to help advance a new medical device technology to potentially benefit others suffering from refractory angina in the future

See If You Qualify

To see if you might qualify for the COSIRA II Clinical Study, and to get connected with your local study center, please take the questionnaire below: